Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ive finished beginning c# game programming, what now?

where do i go from here on the path of game development?

Ive finished beginning c# game programming, what now?
Write games. The best way to learn how to do something is to do it. Watch a baby learning to walk - they get pretty good at it, eventually. You're going to write lots of sucko games, just like the baby is going to do little but fall down the first few months. Keep at it and, eventually, you'll write better ones. (The first two years of actually working at a paid programming job, you're still entry-level. Doing it on your own just keeps you at that level longer.)

Actually, the best way is to get programming jobs - forget about writing games and get programming experience. When you can write a simple program, like a game score site, in your head while driving on the interstate in heavy traffic, without making errors in the code, you're ready to actually write a game. (Not in C++, in English.) Write the game - lay it ALL out - then (this will be at least a few weeks after you started to lay it out) code it and see how it works.
Reply:Get experience using what you've learned.

It doesn't really matter if you say you've read a book on c# game programming if you don't even know how to apply it. Either start your own projects to enhance your skills or get a job where you'll be able to.
Reply:Get a job. Mention that you read the book (even though shoving a book in someone's face might not do much). Use your skill as a hobby. Develop a talent for it. Just FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE IT, preferably to your advantage.
Reply:To college.

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