Sunday, May 10, 2009

A doctor who p.c. game, wher you could regerate into the different doctors would help.?

regenerating as a different dr. would also be a good idea in a dr who

A doctor who p.c. game, wher you could regerate into the different doctors would help.?
I think this is a good idea because there are harry potter games and Narnia gams now it is time for a Doctor who game

Scarface The World Is Yours P.C. game?

I have recently bought the P.C. game Scarface and I can't work out how to save where I'm up to when I've finished playing.Does anyone know if you have the option to save after you reach a certain stage in the game?I haven't quite reached the limo yet and I am wondering that when I get there I will be given the option to save the game up to that point.

Scarface The World Is Yours P.C. game?
To save, you have to go to the bank and launder your money. After your transaction with the bank teller, you will be given the option to save. Hassle, huh?
Reply:........... no it isnt i went on the game site

Help with simple C++ game?

Ok, Befor you look at this. Im young (13) and trying to learn C++. tonight i tryed making this TicTacToe game. It looks like its fine, but it dosnt work proply. No mader with my imput is i alwas get Square 1 being Filled in

And does any one no any good sites on AI.

Here it is.

Help with simple C++ game?
Pretty good logic for 13 and you almost have it working.

Beginning college level programming classes do stuff like this.


This is common mistake professors tell students to watch out for

if(number = 1) it should be if(number == 1)


Also, to avoid printing out the tic-tac-toe twice, you can put the first printout before the while statement.


Look at this

if( number = 9)


i = "X";

Show = Show + 1;




cout%26lt;%26lt;"thats not a square in the box"%26lt;%26lt;endl;


Every time when number is not 9, it will print a statement that the number is not in the box.

Try this instead (the || means or)

if(number%26lt;1 || number%26gt;9)

cout%26lt;%26lt;"thats not a square in the box"%26lt;%26lt;endl;
Reply:All your if statements have "=" as the condition. Change that to "==". Very common mistake. Don't worry, you are doing fine! :)

thank you cards

Ive finished beginning c# game programming, what now?

where do i go from here on the path of game development?

Ive finished beginning c# game programming, what now?
Write games. The best way to learn how to do something is to do it. Watch a baby learning to walk - they get pretty good at it, eventually. You're going to write lots of sucko games, just like the baby is going to do little but fall down the first few months. Keep at it and, eventually, you'll write better ones. (The first two years of actually working at a paid programming job, you're still entry-level. Doing it on your own just keeps you at that level longer.)

Actually, the best way is to get programming jobs - forget about writing games and get programming experience. When you can write a simple program, like a game score site, in your head while driving on the interstate in heavy traffic, without making errors in the code, you're ready to actually write a game. (Not in C++, in English.) Write the game - lay it ALL out - then (this will be at least a few weeks after you started to lay it out) code it and see how it works.
Reply:Get experience using what you've learned.

It doesn't really matter if you say you've read a book on c# game programming if you don't even know how to apply it. Either start your own projects to enhance your skills or get a job where you'll be able to.
Reply:Get a job. Mention that you read the book (even though shoving a book in someone's face might not do much). Use your skill as a hobby. Develop a talent for it. Just FIGURE OUT HOW TO USE IT, preferably to your advantage.
Reply:To college.

Can a NTSC - U/C game play in a modified NTSC - J PlayStation 2?

Hi, I live in the Philippines and currently have a slim ps2 with the NTSC-J....format[i dunno how to call it] and I was hoping to buy an original copy of P3:FES which is on the NTSC-U/C format. The clerk at the store told me that if my ps2 is NTSC-J, the game will not work. My ps2 is modded by the way, and can read 'copies'[the un-original ones] of NTSC-U/C games....Will P3:FES work on my ps2??HELP?

P.C. game question?

I'm new to this,and I wonder once you purchase a P.C. game and download it,does that mean it is used up and no longer any good?Or can you keep on downloading it to your friends etc.I'm guessing there is a type of authorization code for each download , is that correct?

P.C. game question?
Yes, you can only activate it once because each code matches with only one PC.

Some companies let you put the same game on another PC in your house (not your friend's lol), like Game Socks.

Anyway basically you're correct there's an authorization code for each download.
Reply:Your only able to use the authorization code once.

Help with game programming please - Visual C++?

I got an older (2002) book on Visual C++ game programming and it keeps telling me to open Visual C++ and create a "workspace", but I can't find how to create workspaces in Visual C++ 9.0. Can someone please help? Thanks =)

Help with game programming please - Visual C++?
Just create a new project. If you don't set anything special for the solution, VC++ will create a default solution for you. Here's are some videos that show how to create several different types of projects step by step:
Reply:A workspace is called a solution now. A solution contains numerous projects. If it is just a single item that you are creating you can just create a project for it instead of a solution.

potential breakup song

A good free guide to C++ Game Programming?

I've just left school for my six weeks summer holidays and I've looked into very basic C++ and C but I want to try and learn the basics of C++ game programming over the next six weeks.

Do you know of any free guides, and also what IDE or software should I use to make the game, I currently have Bloodshed Dev-C++.

A good free guide to C++ Game Programming?
Try to get a book from the library (OK, so I'm old school!) and work through it. Alternatively, there are many "game programming portal" type things on the net. And they usually have tons of tutorials and what-have-you.

Good luck :-)
Reply:Try this link:;_cplus_...
Reply:google it

is good to have also.. deals with gfx functions..

as for programming, i'd start off with C instead, then get on to C++

as well , c is ok. c++ might be confusing to get into straight away

as said before, check google for c or c++ tutorials or check your local library.
Reply:There's books out there that offer a game programming guide with C++, but I would avoid them at all costs. Sure, you want to get into game programming, but it's quite difficult with C++. C++ is a complex language, so it's important you focus on learning the language first.

To that end, start with C++ Primer by Lippman or Accelerated C++ by Koenig. These are both recognized books by respected authors, and they are technically accurate. It will take you a while to learn C++ to a usable level, so you need to be patient. You won't be game programming initially, at least not with the fancy graphics you envision. There's a learning curve, and you can't skip it.

I don't recommend starting with C if you want to go the C++ route. I recommend learning C++ over C, but whatever you do, don't flip between them. Bad idea. You'll have to unlearn the programming idioms one introduces, learn a new language and the new idioms of that language.

Easy c++ game ideas?

i recently started learning c++ 3 days ago and i'm interested in making console based games any ideas for an easy but fun game?


Easy c++ game ideas?
My first computer game program was black jack. Who could resist that?

It's nice because it uses just enough tricks and tools for the new programmer:

- random number generation

- get user input (agree to another card or stay)

- storage array for 5 cards

- a loop for getting the 5 cards, and no more than 5 (rules, right?)

- summing the cards, analyzing if user is over, under, Winner

---Easy to expand on the game as you gain programming proficiency:

- play the dealer (computer, or even 2nd user)

- fancy display of cards, instead of just names/numbers

- sounds and images to signal win or loose...

- develop an array of 52 cards that is randomly sorted and picked off, like a real deck...

- develop a betting/payout system...calc odds so payout stays at 15% like a casino...

If you like math, probability, simple gaming, and gathering experince fast with a game you and others might actually enjoy, this could be it.

you go!
Reply:Seems that you are the very beginner, so start simple.

Then try to make some game which requires handling of random behavior, like playing rock, paper, scissors with computer.

Then try to make Snake. It is easiest thing you can try to do.

The next stage is building world. Try to build simple world using sprites and tiles (square images). The game world dont have to be sophisticated, just static images are enough at first time.

Add player actor into the world try to add motion to it: going left, right, up, down.

The hardest part of making game is to add computer controlled actors cos you should consider many things:

- movement (basic geometrics, calculating angle of movement, angle of firing)

- collision detection (what if two actors collide?)

- action behavior (which requires some AI techniques)

- event response (also AI)

Making games even simple one is not easy task. So start small. Then incrementally upgrade your game.
Reply:number munchers
Reply:I thought about doing this for a while, but never got around too it. Make a MUD ! Its all text based, don't have to worry about graphics at all. The user selects actions based on choices you provide and they type what action they want to do.

Could be a real simple MUD

A) Attack dragon using melee

B) Cast Spell

C) Move RightF

D) Move Left

E) Move up

F) Move Down

I was thinking of doing this and making it real simple. Simple spells and weapons. No inventory would be used. No food.

the only tricky part really would be keeping track of where the player was in the room and navigating around the dungeon.

Simple c++ game, where do I start?

Hey guys Im in college and Im in a C++ programming class, I have about 7 weeks of C++ knowledge and I would just like to create a simple game as just kinda of a way to show my progress to myself. How should I go about this? Im not sure where to start...thanks

Simple c++ game, where do I start?
i am currently a first year student in a university, also taking up computer course.during our first term our teacher asked us to program a simple text based blackjack game, this practiced our simple math executions, some decisions, use of cases and array etc.
Reply:Maybe for a start, you could go read up on example of other C ++ source code. This website got a lot of C++ program example,, you can go take a look.
Reply:I would suggest Start Learning from Graphics and then slowly move to games.

see the Example Code here.
Reply:Spend some time thinking of a basic game you can do in a console. Examples: a hangman game, a blackjack game (all in text), a simulation/text rpg game, etc.

As for actually programming the game, well it's no different from other programs you have been writing, right?

P.c game pirates of the carribian?

i have just installed the game onto this computer , it works fine on the family p.c . When i press new game it begins to load then the program will just shut its self down?? it did the same with my splinter cell game aswell. any ideas on how to sort this problem???

P.c game pirates of the carribian?

direct x my friend and driver

go and take last drivers from microsoft then patch ur direct x using a good game 2 install it like scda install the direct x that that 1 has and try again
Reply:direct x man

love song

The best game ever made and P,C or console?

having recently dusted off my P.C games collection I found Half Life so I stuck it on, Wow its still as good as when it first came out in 98 I remember playing it then and the A.I and game play were brilliant, I prefer P.C gaming although I have had several consoles in the past for First Person Shooters I don’t think you cant beat a keyboard and mouse, what do you reckon is the best game ever made (console/P.C) for each of the following, F.P.S, strategy, and any other of your choice, and what do you think is better P.C or console, just interested to see what people think as im either going to upgrade to a top spec P.C or get the new playstaion3

The best game ever made and P,C or console?
depends what type of games you like playing. I will agree with you that half-life is probably the best game ever made and it is definately best on a PC. I personally prefer to play first person shooters on PC and also PC for football manager and any sim games but consoles are better for sport games and racing games. So i would go for both but if you are like me and not rich i would go for the PC because theres more you can do with it and the PS3 is a rip-off
Reply:i've not played Halo 3 or Metroid 3 yet so I'll just say the best FPS is either Goldeneye or Halo. My personal favourite games are Resident Evil 4, Metal Gear Solid 3 and Okami. And I definitely think that consoles are better. For the price of a top spec gaming PC you could get the three next gen consoles and games as well. Also with consoles there are no system requirements, or installation you just get the game and play.
Reply:goldeneye n64 thats the best game ever

on playstation 2 canis canem edit is the best game ever
Reply:Half Life and Half Life 2 FPS

Final Fantasy 7 PS1 !!!

Tomb Raider 2 PS1 !!

Battlefield 2 PC online

Metroid Prime 3 and Zelda Twilight Princess for the Wii

Zelda Phantom Hourglass and Dementium for DS

Hope that answers your question and before any of you out there start having a go these are my opinions!!!
Reply:I am a big fan of call of duty series.. i used to play command and conquer a lot years ago.. as for pc vs console.. i'd rather go with pc these days..

it's such a rip off to have to pay to play online with consoles, sod that.

as for games.. manic miner / lunar jetmen were my first EVER games.. so both I have time for

each games machine , computer etc always has killer games that we all remember..e.g. zelda / mario kart etc..

it's not so much the game gfx/sounds it's the actual game play that impresses me..

even things like rollercoaster , star strike on spectrum were good

things like dropzone / rescue on fractalus on atari 8 bit

armalyte / powerdrift / mayhem in monsterland etc on c64..

but i've given up on consoles now.. i'd rather buy pc games.. and i hate how they hold back pc games to sell more consoles.. yet the console games are developed using a pc.
Reply:Easily the sims and sims2 series. I always find the quality of pc games is better than their console counterparts.

C++ game programming help?

OK im pretty new to c++ but im using a book (C++ for dummies lol). My main goal is to make rpgs and, wel any type of game that im feeling like programming. Im planning on going the Directx route with another book I have (Programing RPGs with directx). I want to know if im going the right route in how im learning all this. I know it sounds a little OCD but I really wanna make games. Im afraid im gonna learn c++ then learn directx, and then find no way of putting them together. Hopefully the books will teach that but please offer any advice or suggesions. (BTW though I will do a lot of 3D games, i will mostly make classic 2d rpgs)

C++ game programming help?
start off with visual c++ and do text based games (rpg, adventure, strategy, etc) written as pure console games (nothing GUI based). After you get a good grip of c++, start learning how to program using DirectX. Using DirectX, keep making text based games, but that now feature graphics, scrolling text, etc. After you get more experienced using DirectX and C++, start making games like said above, pong, and other games that have very few moving objects and sprites (graphics). After you get the hang of using sprites and such, move on to bigger and bigger projects. Remember, that these first few weeks and months will have you taking baby steps, but you will soon see a whole new area of productivity open up to you.
Reply:For now, forget about DirectX. Remember, RPGs used to come in TEXT form. It's the gameplay, not the graphics, that's important (at least, tell yourself that).
Reply:The above answerer is right, of course, and it would help to figure out what you really enjoy about game development -- if its graphics, the link below will get into the Game SDK for Microsoft Visual C++ Express.
Reply:Learn C++, learn DirectX. Don't expect to make anything decent though, start with Tic-Tac-Toe, Ping Pong, Snake, Tron - the baby stuff. After that, keep increasing the level of difficulty.

C++ game help. How to create a menu on a console game of 500 lines of code.?

have to create a C++ game that is 500 lines of code. I was wondering how do you create a basic menu that would allow the user to push either 1 to play game, and 2 for help which would give the rules of the game? Would it be using if/else statements or a switch statement or functions? Can anyone point me in the right direction? I have the main code of the game working that just goes straight into the game when executed but how do I get a menu to show up first?

C++ game help. How to create a menu on a console game of 500 lines of code.?
You can use pretty simple input and output commands for that: cin and cout:

Here are some examples:
Reply:From your description I'm assuming the game is console-based. In this case you can simply

cout %26lt;%26lt; "enter the choice (1 for play, 2 for help): ";

and then:

int c;

cin %26gt;%26gt; c;

if(c==1) play();

else help();

How does that sound? In case you want to do some error checking as well... then I would read a string and extract any numerical data from it.
Reply:Lines of code is a pathetic way to measure the size of a program.

std::cout %26lt;%26lt; "1. Play Game" %26lt;%26lt; std::endl %26lt;%26lt; "2. Help" %26lt;%26lt; std::endl; while(1){ char a = std::cin.getch(); if( a == '1') playgame(); elseif( a== '2') showhelp(); elseif( a == 'q') break;}

All on one line.